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Wizzmom Peeps
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Wizzmom Peeps

Why I Walk

I walk because too many families (like mine) are coping with this devastating chronic illness, and thousands more will face an unexpected kidney disease diagnosis in the year to come.

My journey started in the spring of 2023.  I was being followed up for a possible problem by having 2 ultrasounds.  I was told things were good but I needed to see about a large cyst that was on my left kidney.  Fast forward, the final result was I indeed had a 10 cm cyst on my left kidney, I was missing my right kidney (congenital defect), I had a congenital defect in my left kidney and I was in stage 3 kidney disease.  My life changed forever.  I had more diagnostic testing and 2 surgeries.  I will always have this disease and I will not get any better than I am.  I was told by doctors how lucky I was that this was found out when it was.  I could have gone into renal failure at any given time.  I am grateful and I choose to pay it forward through this fundraiser.

I walk to support the lifechanging work of the National Kidney Foundation:
     - To ensure that families will have a place to turn when they need answers.
     - To keep up the fight for policy changes to protect kidney patients and living donors.
     - To drive innovation in transplantation and get more loved ones off the kidney transplant waitlist.

Please walk with me September 15, 2024 and fundraise-or-support our efforts with a generous donation to improve the lives of kidney patients in our community and across the country.

I thank you and look forward to seeing my goal met.



raised of $500 goal

2 Fundraisers

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