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My 2024 Toledo Kidney Walk Fundraising Page

Abigail Billups
Donate to Abigail

Abigail Billups

Why I Walk

P&K are thriving 4 year olds who were diagnosed with bilateral hydronephrosis in utero around 20 weeks during my pregnancy. We were told it was common in pregnancy - moreso in males and would likely resolve prior to their birth. After they were born, testing began day one which resulted in diagnosing grade 4-5 right sided hydronephrosis (the most severe) and grade 3 left sided hydronephrosis. Kellen underwent surgery at 6 weeks old followed by Patrick at 4 months old for reconstruction due to a congenital obstruction. The boys have continued to follow with their specialists and luckily they have thrived and we have not needed further surgery. We have had many many ultrasounds, sedated scans, and blood work. They follow with multiple specialists who have been wonderful advocates for them. Kellen will have permanent damage to his right kidney and this is something the boys will continue to need followed up on. We are very fortunate and want to give back to the community and help those around us. 

My husband and I work in healthcare and we directly care for many kidney patients. We want to help give to our local community while involving our children and showing the importance of kidney help and helping others. 

I walk because too many families (like mine) are coping with this devastating chronic illness, and thousands more will face an unexpected kidney disease diagnosis in the year to come.

I walk to support the lifechanging work of the National Kidney Foundation:
     - To ensure that families will have a place to turn when they need answers.
     - To keep up the fight for policy changes to protect kidney patients and living donors.
     - To drive innovation in transplantation and get more loved ones off the kidney transplant waitlist.

Are you with me?

Please consider supporting my efforts with a generous donation. 


raised of $2,000 goal

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