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My 2022 New York City Kidney Walk Fundraising Page

Michelle Huart
Donate to Michelle

Michelle Huart

Why I Walk

I walk because too many families (like mine are coping with this devastating chronic illness, and thousands more will face an unexpected kidney disease diagnosis in the year to come.

I walk because of my niece Alexis Isler who is battling kidney disease and also for myself as I have just been diagnosed with Lupus Nephritis (Lupus of the Kidneys) in June 2022.

These photos are people in my village who help me in my time of need no matter what. Without them I am nothing they keep me going and encouraged at all times. I love them more than they will ever know and more than I can put into words. God was so amazing for placing these wonderful creatures in my life. Please know you all are my lifeline and I can't thank you enough for all you do for me and my J-Boogie. We will continue to fight and make light of this all. Again, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. I love you all.

I walk to support the lifechanging work of the National Kidney Foundation:
     - To ensure that families will have a place to turn when they need answers.
     - To keep up the fight for policy changes to protect kidney patients and living donors.
     - To drive innovation in transplantation and get more loved ones off the kidney transplant waitlist.

Are you with me?

Please consider supporting my efforts with a generous donation. 

My Love

You are who I do it for

The love of my Life J-Boogie

My other Mama

Da Big Lil Bro

My Bish Da Sis

My Shauny Cakes

My Sisters

Sibling Love

My Hermana

My Sistahs

My Girls

Step Mama

My Dad

The Fam


Baby Sis

Famija For Life

We Fight Together


raised of $500 goal

Recent Donations


Team One Love
