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Our 2022 New York City Kidney Walk Team Page

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Why We Walk

This year, our team has joined others throughout the country to fight against kidney disease. On November 13, 2022 we’ll walk for our loved ones, colleagues or friends who cope with this devastating chronic illness each day – and for those who lost their fight too soon.

Together, we walk to support the lifechanging work of the National Kidney Foundation:
     - To ensure that families will have a place to turn when they need answers.
     - To keep up the fight for policy changes to protect kidney patients and living donors.
     - To drive innovation in transplantation and get more loved ones off the kidney transplant waitlist.

My name is Teresa Cobaxin and I was diagnosed with kidney failure I was just a child so it was very hard on me and my kidneys were functioning a little so medicine still helped but at some point medicine was not doing its job and I had to start dialysis which was very was 3 times a week 3 hours long but Tha felt like forever.and I had to be hooked to a machine so it could do its kidneys weren't cleaning my blood as they were supposed to be doing .I was not able to do many thing that I wanted because either  i was very weak or I was not allowed to do it .after 4 long months I got the best news of my life the doctor called my parents to tell them that there was a possible match for me and my parents rushed to the hospital and after long hours of waiting to see if It  was a match.thankfully it was a match for me after my transplant the first few months I went through  a few ups and downs
Thank God and my family and the great team of doctors my recovery went smooth.and here I am 16 years after my transplant feeling very good and doing great its my 6th year doing the kidney walk and many more to come 
Nobody just yet.


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